the will i aspire to

I will strive to drink at least eight glasses of water everyday so my body can remain clean and healthy.
I will do my best to eat a nutritious diet so I can never look back in regret while suffering with a disease that could have been prevented.
I will exercise regularly to keep my body active so I can live to the fullest and be available to serve in any capacity to which I am called.
I will read at least fifteen minutes from a good book every day so my mind can continue to be stretched and I can learn or be reminded of good principles to follow. 
I will read a passage from my Bible every morning so I can know God’s will for my life a little better each day.
I will pray every morning for the wisdom and guidance needed for the day so as to know where God wants me in that moment and the best way to respond in any situation.
I will pray every night for protection, healing, and any other need for those around me and for myself so as to continue to remind myself prayer is a powerful tool and a way to bring us back to our Heavenly Maker.
I will hug my babies tight everyday so I will never regret not doing so, and if today be my last with them, that moment of love can be at the forefront of my memory.
I will love others with all I am so that it can never be said I didn’t care.
I will not hold tears back when others are mourning so as to allow healing to take place with them and within me.
I will serve everyone I can in any way I can with my family being first so as to hear “Well done thy good and faithful servant” in the end.
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